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Stopaq® Paste SZ is a corrosion preventing mouldable paste, adhering extremely well to wet surfaces such as immersed bare and coated steel. It is based on a compound containing non-crystalline, lowviscosity, non-crosslinked, (fully amorphous) pure homopolymer Polyisobutene. Stopaq® Paste SZ is viscous at the indicated operating temperatures and, due to its liquid nature, flows into all irregularities of the substrate. The compound does not cure and is unable to build up internal stress.
Stopaq® Paste SZ is used for filling small voids and negative angled structures in combination with Stopaq® coatings applied on wet substrates like Stopaq® Wrappingband CL and Stopaq® Wrappingband SZ. It requires consecutive application of additional mechanical protective layers like Stopaq® Intermediate Wrap PVC and Stopaq® Outerglass Shield XT Grey. This improves impact and indentation resistance of the coating system and ensures adequate performance of the corrosion preventing properties.