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Stopaq® 4200 Filler is a non-toxic, highly viscous, single component, non-reactive injection filler with corrosion preventing properties. It has a wide service temperature range, excellent adhesion to many types of substrates and penetrates deeply into surface irregularities.
The non-curing, surface tolerant Stopaq® 4200 Filler is designed for filling and protecting hard-to-clean corrosion sensitive areas where water can accumulate. It can be applied in narrow spaces that are difficult to access like gaps between flanges, around bolt threads in bolt holes, tank chime areas and around flange seals.
The material is suited for application with a hand operated, electric or pneumatic injection tool, equipped with a flexible nozzle. It does not cure and is unable to build-up internal stresses. Due to the permanent liquid properties at indicated operational temperatures, Stopaq® 4200 Filler will tend to flow out of the filled voids. Therefore they should be covered with additional Stopaq® materials like Stopaq® Wrappingband and Outerwrap materials. Depending on type of application, additional mechanical protection can be installed like Stopaq® Flangebelt, Stopaq® Outerglass Shield XT Grey, or Stopaq® Polyester.