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Protal 7125 is specifically formulated to be applied to colder substrates at colder ambient temperatures. It is a high build liquid coating that is brush or spray applied in one coat to many areas of in-service pipelines or during pipeline construction in the field. It cures fast to allow quick handling and backfilling, even down to -4°F (-20°C). Protal 7125 is intended for use where a quick cure is required at lower substrate and/or ambient conditions such as during winter applications or on colder operating temperature pipelines.
- Cold temperature application down to -4°F (-20°C)
- Will not freeze when applied to substrates below 32°F (0°C)
- Fast cure, fast initial set
- Will cure when submersed in water after application
- High build (up to 50 mils / 1270 microns in one coat)
- Excellent adhesion (compliments FBE coated pipe)
- High abrasion resistance for drilling applications
- Can be used as an abrasion resistant coating (ARO)
- Does not shield cathodic protection
- Repair cartridges available (50 ml and 825 ml)