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The MEP allows the monitoring of steel embedded within concrete.

There are challenges associated with taking reference measurements with steel embedded in concrete due to lack of access to the steel and poor interface between a reference electrode and the concrete. The MEP solves this problem by embedding the reference within the concrete permanently and making a connection to the steel to be monitored. This is then brought out to a test box along with all the other wires from the probe to be monitored. The reference electrode, and two steel coupons are all available at the same point after installation. No more chipping away concrete or searching around to find a connection point to the steel, all the connections are available in one test box.


The MEP allows embedded rebar and piping within concrete to be monitored for corrosion. Corrosion of rebar can affect the strength and integrity of structures, and corrosion of embedded piping is expensive and labour-intensive to fix. Knowing about the corrosion before it progresses is key to preventing later issues.


The MEP includes a manganese dioxide reference electrode, a carbon steel element, and a stainless steel element.

Readings can be taken between the reference electrode and the element that closely matches the structure being monitored.

The steel elements are connected through the test box and the structure lead, so they experience the same cathodic protection as the structure.

  • Validates corrosion prevention system operation on infrastructure/ rebar embedded in concrete.
  • Reduces operating costs by eliminating the need to interrupt foreign sources of interference.
  • Allows confirmation of actual versus design operating parameters.
  • Integrated manganese dioxide reference electrode designed for use in concrete.
  • Easy to install before concrete pour.
  • Can be installed in existing concrete.
  • Compatible with remote monitoring and data recording hardware.
  • Carbon steel and stainless-steel electrodes.
  • Closely represents the rebar or pipes within the concrete.
  • Serialized for improved traceability.
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